Vues :

Settings valid for all users of a workstation are stored in the Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DocuWare\DocuWare.

Under this key you find the paths which you have specified during installation.
The entry "LOCALPATH" points to a directory normally on the local hard disk of the workstation. If it is a network directory, you must ensure that it is not used by any other users. The installation program writes the program files and the paths to the baskets and pending box to "LOCALPATH".
There must always be an entry for "LOCALPATH", and the directory specified there must exist. If this is not the case, DocuWare outputs an error message that it was not correctly installed and cannot be started.

The DocuWare viewer generates the following entries here:
PrintConfigurations: The printer settings you have made in DocuWare
ScanConfigurations: The scanner settings you have made in DocuWare
TWAIN: TWAIN configuration

This key contains further keys with all the settings for every TIFFMAKER port.

Width of selection lists
The width of the select list and the selective select list is controlled by the following registry entry of type DWORD:
The width is specified in pixels; the default width is 320 pixels, and the maximum 2000 pixels