Vues :

You just installed/upgraded to DocuWare version 6.10, now anytime you try to store or view a document in DocuWare you receive the following error, OBJECT REFERENCE NOT SET TO AN INSTANCE OF AN OBJECT.

Navigate to program files(x86)\DocuWare\Web\Platform\Bin

  • Make a copy of the Docuware.Platform.Web.dll.settings file to your desktop
  • Open the original web.dll.settings and navigate to the UseSettingsService entry (see below)
  • Change the value for UseSettingsService from False to True
  • Reset IIS

<PlatformSettings TileSize="1024" DocumentsPath="%TEMP%\DocuWare\Temp\Platform" RenditionsPath="%TEMP%\DocuWare\Temp\Platform\Renditions" ImagingPath="" JobWorkflowBaseUri=
"http://localhost/Services/JobStore" UserTokenLifetime="1440" PageMetaDataLimit="10" UseInternalSettingsServer="true" UseSettingsService="true" NotificationTimeOut="30000" 
MultipleFcSearchLimit="1000" UseXElementSerialization="false">
      <CacheExpiration CleanupPeriod="00:00:20" Session="00:10:00" FileCabinets="00:05:00" ResultList="00:05:00" Documents="00:05:00" Sections="00:05:00" />