Certified Signatures On Versioned Documents
Does anyone know of a good way to edit documents in Docuware to get certified Signatures? We are having trouble because if the doucment is edited in docuware as soon as the certified signature is attached to the document we get the "save as" dialog appearing. Since the document is still in Docuware, we don't know where the document resides to save over it.
Some of our users are having troubles if they try to check out to file system. Then they know where to save the signed document, but sometimes have trouble getting it back into the versioned file cabinet.
Version Check in not working
We are having some difficulties with a versioned file cabinet. We use the check out to file system so the user can edit and sign with a certified signature. When siging the "save as" dialog comes up immediately after attaching the signature so we need the document in a known location so we can save the changes.
We then pull the document into the inbox/storage tray. When we go to check in the file, the version page comes up and allows you to increment the version number, but when you click the check in box the blue wheel showing that it is working continues to spin with nothing happening. You can hit escape to leave the blue wheel, but then the document is still checked out.
How can we get the blue wheel to stop spinning and actually get the document checked back in?
Can Documents in a versioned File Cabinet be copied to a different versioned file cabinet with all versions intact
We have a working file cabinet with versioning turned on. Multiple people will work on and sign off on the document.
When the document has been completed we want to copy to a "completed" file cabinet (also with versioning turned on), but want all the versions copied along with the current version.
Is there a way to do this?
That explains why you can see an index
Is it an oversight that the "Show Index Icon" in the tools section is still enabled since the other two index access points are disabled?
The index is the same for all three of the file cabinets we have joined together otherwise it might have been more apparent which index we were seeing. Thanks for the information.
Version 6 (Build
Version 6.11 might have been sufficient, but giving you the build leaves you with no doubts.
Multi Cabinet Search Unable to Edit Indexes
One of my users was in a multiple cabinet search and called because she was getting a "Dialog with id i_*long number* is not available for user *username*. Moving it over and opening the same record in the correct file cabinet allowed the change.
The "change index" is not in the right click dropdown list. The viewer does not show the indexes But the index is available under tools with the Show Index Entries Tool (see red circl in picture). Using this we can see the system data for the record.
So why can't a user edit an index on a multiple file cabinet search?