Question: How to know which query language to use?
Answer: For On-Premises systems, use the language of your database. For cloud systems, use MSSQL.
It is important to distinguish between filtering from a File Cabinet and External Data.
Especially for File Cabinets it is recommended to use the column names displayed on the right to ensure the spelling is exactly the same.
Question:How to write a simple equals (=) filter?
Answer: For example: DW_STATUS = 'value'
Make sure to not switch the value and the column.
Question: How to use a Global Workflow Variable in a Where-Clause? Should I use single quotes around variables?
Answer: Yes, in case of strings. See also: KBA-35454
Question: Should I always use like?
Answer: No, use equals (=), unless a wildcard search is needed. A wildcard then is a placeholder for one (or multiple) characters represented for example by %.
For example: DW_FIELD LIKE 'hello%'
Question: How can I search for keyword fields in file cabinet queries?
Answer: This can be done with the following where clause: 
Question: How to use SELECT MAX(DW_DWDOCID) in a sub query?
Answer: The following example will return an index entry from a file cabinet from the document with the highest DocID.

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