• Thank you! That worked!

    Thank you! That worked!

  • Scanned Document Stuck in Desktop Apps


    We have a user that has a scanned document that is stuck in the Docuware Desktop Apps scan window. It has the circle in the middle just spinning. It has been doing this for days. She is still able to scan in new stuff but we cannot get this to go away. The server and her computer has been restarted. I have tried reseting her browser settings too. Any help would be appreciated.



  • Convert Text to Caps in DW7


    I just upgraded from DW6.10 to 7 and in 6.10 I was able to set all text to be converted to caps regardless of how the text was input by the user. In DW7 is there an option to set this?



  • After making the changes and

    After making the changes and not turning off any domain controllers I'm getting this when trying to log into Docuware. Also the database V2 was red.


    The request could not be served.


    503 - Service Unavailable


    Cannot find active authentication server. All servers are either stopped or the communication channel settings don't allow a connection.


    DWAuthenticateException: Cannot find active authentication server. All servers are either stopped or the communication channel settings don't allow a connection.

  • Thank you for the reply. So

    Thank you for the reply. So this would just be a Windows Server issue, nothing within Docuware management that would need to be changed?  For the Windows DNS servers for the Docuware server the secondary DNS server was still turned on the preferred was turned off. I could try making the perferred DNS server the one that will not be turned off.

  • Thenk you for the reply. So

    Thenk you for the reply. So this would just be a Windows Server issue, nothing within Docuware management that would need to be changed?  For the Windows DNS servers for the Docuware server the secondary DNS server was still turned on the preferred was turned off. I could try making the perferred DNS server the one that will not be turned off.

  • Authentication Error Version 6.10


    We had to turn off our locale domain controllers and after about a week we started having authentication errors on the Docuware server. The  Database V2 service had stopped and I had to restart the Docuware server to get it working again. But it would only work for a short amount of time then stop again. We have domain controllers at other locations that are still on just the local ones were turned off. After turning the local dcs back on Docuware started working again. Is there some configuration I need to change to set the domain controller to the one that will not be turned off? When checking the logon server when the Docuware server was not working it was pointing to the correct one that was turned on. Any ideas what may need to be changed?



  • Thank you! The new license

    Thank you! The new license file that I was sent worked.

  • Upgrade to DW7 License File Error


    I'm trying to upgrade from Docuware 6.10 to 7. When I get to the portion when it asks for the license file after I put it in it says that the license file is not valid or has errors in it and I cannot proceed with the installation. This is the same license file that I used for installing DW 6.10. Any ideas how to resolve this? I was sent this from my support company, but this seems like a complex process to be able to get the license file working. Is this the correct procedure? If this is how to get it working where do I go to complete step 3? I let docuware create it's own default sql server during the intial install. I did not use for SQL Express for example.




    Please do the following to clear the license tables, apply new license and attempt the setup.
    1.        Stop all services and IIS.
    2.        Backup databases.
    3.        Remove entries from the following dwsystem tables in order
    a.        Dwconnectionlicense
    b.        Dwclientlicense
    c.        Dwserverlicense
    d.        Dwlicense
    4.        Start only Authentication Server.
    5.        Log into the admin tool and reapply license for current version.
    6.        Stop Authentication, then start all services and IIS.
    7.        Attempt to run setup again.

  • Auto Open Document on Search

    I know you can choose to have Docuware auto open the first document of it finds on search. However I cannot find where you enable this on a filecabinet. Where is this feature at to tun on?




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