Posted Tue, 28 Aug 2018 16:58:11 GMT by Aaron Dale


I'm trying to upgrade from Docuware 6.10 to 7. When I get to the portion when it asks for the license file after I put it in it says that the license file is not valid or has errors in it and I cannot proceed with the installation. This is the same license file that I used for installing DW 6.10. Any ideas how to resolve this? I was sent this from my support company, but this seems like a complex process to be able to get the license file working. Is this the correct procedure? If this is how to get it working where do I go to complete step 3? I let docuware create it's own default sql server during the intial install. I did not use for SQL Express for example.




Please do the following to clear the license tables, apply new license and attempt the setup.
1.        Stop all services and IIS.
2.        Backup databases.
3.        Remove entries from the following dwsystem tables in order
a.        Dwconnectionlicense
b.        Dwclientlicense
c.        Dwserverlicense
d.        Dwlicense
4.        Start only Authentication Server.
5.        Log into the admin tool and reapply license for current version.
6.        Stop Authentication, then start all services and IIS.
7.        Attempt to run setup again.

Posted Tue, 28 Aug 2018 17:12:00 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Don't do any of that at all. You are simply using the wrong license file. Support will send you the correct DocuWare 7 license file shortly.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Tue, 28 Aug 2018 17:23:29 GMT by Greg Van Tassell Customer Support

Hello Aaron,

Thanks for the information. With what you have described, it sounds like you are not using the license file for version 7. I will send an email momentarily with the appropriate license file. Please download and try again with this license once you receive it. 


Greg Van Tassell

Support Team Leader GREEN – Americas

Posted Tue, 28 Aug 2018 19:55:23 GMT by Aaron Dale

Thank you! The new license file that I was sent worked.

Posted Tue, 28 Aug 2018 22:26:20 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Great! We knew it was the solution. I appologize for the delay in getting the file to you.

As an advisory for others following this thread. Whenever you are upgrading DocuWare, you need a license file for the release you are upgrading to. Support are always happy to advise on how to obtain this file, or as circumstances dictate, provide the file via return email.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

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