• RE: LIC file download

    Thanks, Phil. And where might I find the Partner Portal in the new scheme of the DocuWare site?

    Joe Kaufman
  • RE: LIC file download


    Thanks so much, this clarifies things a great deal.

    I used to be able to download the LIC file from our Organization profile page... It wasn't that long ago we could do that. Are you saying if we need a new LIC file I can no longer download it ourselves? We would have to work through the reseller?

    And final question to "bottom line" it -- if we stopped paying M&S we could keep using everything, we just wouldn't have support? I could even install hotfixes and such within our current version? Mind you, I have NO intention of doing that because we have other software we let lapse and age inelegantly and it is a nightmare. I just wondered if it was possible.

    Thanks again for your time and explanations.

    Joe Kaufman
  • LIC file download

    Hey all,

    I realize I have never had to download a LIC file since the support portal upgrade, and now I cannot find out where to download a LIC file for our on-premise installation. Can anyone help me out? I can see my profile, but there is no screen for organizational information like there used to be (and that is where one could download a LIC).

    I am also curious about when to apply the LIC file. I assumed I would have to apply a new one every time we paid our yearly invoice from the reseller. Is that not required? How do the licenses expire, then, as in, won't they stop working if we don't pay for the licenses? I am not sure what portion of the annual payment is pure maintenance and support and what portion is for ongoing licensing.

    We are on 6.11, on-premise. Thanks for any help anyone can offer!

    Joe Kaufman
  • RE: Store permissions without Edit permissions?


    After looking at your document, yeah, I see where I could create a custom profile with much more granularity!

    As it turns out, I have been told the person who needs access to store documents will also need to be able to edit those documents, as long as they stay in the category the user has search capability on. So, I won't need to get more granular with editing capabilities, but it is good to know it is still there in the web interface of 6.11.

    Appreciate the point in the right direction!

    Joe Kaufman
  • RE: Store permissions without Edit permissions?


    Sorry, we are on 6.11, on premise.

    Do note that this user needs to be able to store documents, and then also be able to read just certain documents, preferably without needing to turn on edit permissions. I could let the user store and simply turn off search and result dialogs, but I can't -- she needs those.

    I will review your document and see if something springs to mind! Appreciate it!

    Joe Kaufman
  • Store permissions without Edit permissions?

    Hey all,

    We have a user who has access to search a file cabinet, read-only, and only for documents where they meet a certain criteria (I set up Profiles) to match certain conditions and then give rights to those Profiles). This all works fine (once I remember to also give access to the Search and Result dialogs.  *smile*)

    I am now being asked to give this user a document tray and the ability to store documents to the same file cabinet. I can give her access to the Store dialog, but since she has read-only access to the file cabinet, she cannot change any indexes, and therefore cannot save (since some fields are required entry).

    My question is this: Do I have to give Edit permission to anyone who needs to Store documents to a file cabinet? It certainly makes sense if that is the case, since storing a document is a write/edit operation, I just wasn't sure.

    Joe Kaufman
  • RE: Result Limit


    Just off the top of my head, the use case could simply be that a certain business has natural chunks of N number of documents that is greater than 100 but less than, say, 2000. I can't think of why that would be, but can understand that certain queries (especially if Workflow or Task related) might always end up returning a number of records greater than 100 but less than 10,000. Having a pager limit of something higher than 100 would make sense, then.

    But by and large, web-based clients tend to offer pager limits that are lower than higher, like 50, 75, and 100. That being said, I have loaded Folders with 2000-3000 documents and they load acceptably. Options of 500 and 1000 per page could be offered, at least in on-premise installations where the additional resources to present that data are all local.

    I can see why a lower pager limit is desirable when it comes to a multi-tenant cloud situation -- you want the server to be as piecemeal as possible so larger chunks of data don;t start to bog things down.

    Joe Kaufman
  • RE: Using MS SQL Statement for File Cabinet Profile


    You are still including the " <> 'Public' in the first statement, which you don't need to. Your statement should instead look like:
    DEPARTMENT IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(name, 1, CHARINDEX('-', name, 1) - 1) AS Department FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwgroup
        WHERE gid IN (SELECT gid FROM dwsystem.dbo.DWUserToGroup WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwuser WHERE name = 'bsikora'))
        AND CHARINDEX('-', name, 1) > 0)

    If that works, change <'bsikora"> back to <CURRENTUSERLONGNAME()> (without the brackets) and you are all set. You should still always leave the check in there to make sure the group name has a dash, and you should remove the check for group name not being "Public".

    If you still get back no data, then your statement is correct, it just either isn't finding that username, or your group names do not actually have dashes in them. Did you get a list of group names with query:
    SELECT name FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwgroup

    and did you verify the group names are what you anticipate? And you are sure that user is in the group you state? I am not sure what else to look for if the SQL query is syntactically correct. I am able to run queries for users in our system and get a list of group names back properly, using a space as my delimiter.  What if you just run the query:
    SELECT Name AS GroupName FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwgroup
        WHERE gid IN (SELECT gid FROM dwsystem.dbo.DWUserToGroup WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwuser WHERE name = 'bsikora'))

    ? Do you get back a list of all groups bsikora resides in? Do those group names have the expected dashes in them?

    Joe Kaufman

  • RE: Result Limit


    Do note that if you define a Folder, it will list everything that matches the Folder criteria in one screen. In this fashion you can get over the 100-record limit, but it also means pages can tend to load rather slowly if there are thousands of records...

    Joe Kaufman
  • RE: Using MS SQL Statement for File Cabinet Profile


    The problem here is that if any group name doesn't have a colon in it, the SUBSTRING() command is trying to use a negative number when CHARINDEX() comes up with zero. CHARINDEX() will return zero if it doesn't find the character you are looking for.

    So, what are the names of your groups? Find this out by performing the query:

    SELECT name FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwgroup

    I don't have any group names with colons, but all my group names have spaces in them. If I change the colon in your query to a space, the query succeeds.

    In the same way you keep "Public" out (ostensibly because it doesn't have a colon), you need to keep out any group name lacking a colon via another condition in the WHERE clause:

    AND CHARINDEX(':', name, 1) > 0

    In fact, since that will inherently keep out "Public" as well, you can just use that for a final query of:

    DEPARTMENT IN (SELECT SUBSTRING(name, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', name, 1) - 1) AS Department FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwgroup
        WHERE gid IN (SELECT gid FROM dwsystem.dbo.DWUserToGroup WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwuser WHERE name = CURRENTUSERLONGNAME()))
        AND CHARINDEX(':', name, 1) > 0)

    As I said, I get no records back (because I have no groups with colons in the name), but at least the query does not error out on SQL Server.

    Good luck!
    Joe Kaufman