OK, thanks and thanks also
OK, thanks and thanks also for the super quick response.
Cloud Forms Creation Stored to DW
When I create a form and it stores it to DW Cloud it seems that the form is stored with the fillable fields. If I then choose edit document and it opens it up in Adobe Reader, the form fields are there and the data can be changed and saved.
Is there a way to set the forms package to store the forms created as an image in DW so that this form field formatting is lost.
We do not want folks changing the data on these forms but the need to retain the ability to edit other type documents.
We have considered cabinet profiles but I think it will get very complex.
Please advise what my options are.
Workflow History removed when exported to another cabinet
I have 3 cabinets: AP, AP Paid, AP Rejected
All documents start in AP and a workflow is used to approve or reject the documents. At the end of the workflow a field is set to Paid or Rejected and an export workflow run to move the documents to another cabinet based on this. The docs are moved to another cabinet to allow the docs to be seen and not changed by low level users.
When exporting the docs to the new cabinet, the Workflow History is not available. Is there a way for the history to still work when exported to another cabinet on the same server?
Sorry about that. Now I get
Sorry about that. Now I get it. This issue of having a COPY button on this screen was suggested during the BETA testing period for v6.12. It seems it was not added. I agree with you that it would be very helpful and increase efficiency for creation of profiles.
I believe if you are in the
I believe if you are in the Web Configuration on the main cabinets screen where it simply lists the names of the cabinets, when you highlight the row with the cabinet you want to copy, you will see controls pop up on the right. The upside down box with a arrow pointing down is expot to xml like it use to be. That should fix your concern.
Excellent, Thanks
Excellent, Thanks
Chris, I ran into these
Chris, I ran into these issues at one point as well. Be sure the Workflow variable you create is a Keyword Type Variable and the Cabinet Index field you populate it with is a Keyword field as well. If not and one of them is a text field, it will give you strange behavior as you are seeing.
Does this mean that the
Does this mean that the onsite DW users that want to connect to the onsite DW need to install the same certificate so they can access it?
Seems to me you are trying to
Seems to me you are trying to keep the list as shown in the picture. If I were to do this I might use a Keyword field and then in the workflow create keywork variables, populate the vairalbes and then right them to the key work field as one item per row. This would leave the basic set up the same as for re-displaying it. Would have to test it out and see what you get.
Excellent. Thanks for the
Excellent. Thanks for the super quick response and confirmation.