• How to count # of entries in Workflow Designer

    So I have a situation where in my workflow I need to count the # of entries that meet a certain index criteria.  In my case, I'm counting the # of Packing Slips that have the same invoice # that meets the index value of the invoice (that triggers the workflow).  I'm trying to use an Arithmetic Expression with the following and it's not working.

    COUNT (DW_INVOICE__= GV_Packing_List_Invoice_No) AND (DW_DOCUMENT_TYPE = 'Packing List')

    DW_INVOICE = Invoice # of the document that triggered the workflow
    GV_Packing_List_Invoice_No = GV that is capturing the Invoice # of the Packing Slip in an earlier step

  • Using Location Service on Cell phone to capture location on Forms

    So we have a prospect that would like users in the field to enter their time sheets when they arrive to a job using Forms, but we need a way to ensure they are at the job site and not sitting at home.  Is there a way to use the location services of a cell phone to auto enter the address/coordinates the user is at when launching and filling out a Form?  If so, how?
  • RE: Using MS SQL Statement for File Cabinet Profile

    I'm using "-" in the Group name (ex:  Dept Head-Aging)....so I did what you suggested and took out the : and replaced with -, however, my SQL query returns zero results...even though I know there's a Doc in there for that user (here's my Statement)

    DEPARTMENT IN (SELECT substring(name,1,charindex('-',name,1)-1) FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwgroup WHERE gid IN (SELECT 

    gid FROM dwsystem.dbo.DWUserToGroup WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwuser WHERE name = 

    'bsikora')) AND NAME <> 'Public')

    I've also tried this Statement, which gives me a result in SQL, but gives me the following error "Invalid length parameter passed to the RIGHT function"  when I put it in DocuWare's SQL Statement in File Cabinet Permissions:

    DEPARTMENT IN (SELECT right([name], charindex('-', reverse([name])) - 1)


    FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwgroup WHERE gid IN (SELECT


    gid FROM dwsystem.dbo.DWUserToGroup WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwuser WHERE (name =


  • RE: Using MS SQL Statement for File Cabinet Profile

    Wondering if you know why I might be getting the error with the statement you provided?
  • RE: Using MS SQL Statement for File Cabinet Profile

    Not sure how I missed that, but it's there now, but now I get a new error: "Invalid length of parameter passed to the LEFT of SUBSTRIING function"

    DEPARTMENT IN (SELECT substring(name,1,charindex(':',name,1)-1) FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwgroup WHERE gid IN (SELECT 

    gid FROM dwsystem.dbo.DWUserToGroup WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwuser WHERE name = 

  • RE: Using MS SQL Statement for File Cabinet Profile


    I made the substring change you mentioned above and I get the following error "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'FROM'.  Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AND'.  Here is my syntax:

    DEPARTMENT IN (substring(name,1,charindex(':',name,1)-1) FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwgroup WHERE gid IN (SELECT 

    gid FROM dwsystem.dbo.DWUserToGroup WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid FROM dwsystem.dbo.dwuser WHERE name = 


  • Using MS SQL Statement for File Cabinet Profile

    So in versions of DocuWare where we use MySQL, we've been able to use a SQL Statement so that we can create 1 file cabinet profile to utilize the logged in user and the Groups we created to allow the Profile to be "dynamic" based upon in this case, the Department index field.  So this allows us to setup security that will look at the logged in user, the index field for department, and then determine if that user is in that Group and provide access to those Dept documents.  Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this with MS SQL as I've not been able to get it to work.  Here is the query we use for MySQL:

    DEPARTMENT IN (SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, ':', 1)FROM dwsystem.dwgroup WHERE gid IN (SELECT 

    gid FROM dwsystem.DWUserToGroup WHERE uid IN (SELECT uid FROM dwsystem.dwuser WHERE name = 


  • Parse a Keyword field in Workflow Designer??

    Does anyone know if it's possible to Parse a keyword field in Workflow Designer?  We have a field that we are using that is being populated with Account #'s (AA_1000, BB_2000, CC_3000), etc....and we would like to be able to parse those account numbers out to put into a Workflow Variable for each so that we have Workflow Variable as follows:  AccountAA=1000  AccountBB=2000 AccountCC=3000.

    I was trying to use an Arithmetic Expression to try and parse it out in the Assign Data, but am not sure how to do this.

  • Creating a notification based upon date??

    In previous versions of DocuWare...you were able to send out a notification email based upon a date (for example...Invoices due within 10 days) there was an option when chosing a date field to chose something like 10 days before, etc.  I don't see that option now with Notifications...so I was going to create a Workflow trigger to do the same thing, but I also cannot figure out how to do an arithmetic expression in this case to send a notification 2 days after the dw store date.
  • Exporting DWTIFF as TIFF

    We have a client that we upgraded to version 7.  Prior to this upgrade, they were on version 6.5.  6.5 was before my time, but it appears that when they stored images in DW in 6.5, it stored them as DWTIFF, however, via the Client, they were able to export those as TIFF to provide to the State.  Since upgrading to 7, we can only export them as DWTIFF, is there a way to export them as TIFF?
