I'm following the following
link and I created the app in the "App Registration" using "Native application" since this is a Windows Desktop application. I'm using the example from the link above and I filled in my ClientID, Scope, RedirectUri, PlatformUri and OriganziaitonGuid. I did not enter a ClientSecret as I did not see that listed. I'm confused on the redirect uri - I am not sure what goes there but I put the regular link to DocuWare there.
When I run it - I get " Error loading discovery document: Issuer name does not match authority" - so I navigated to the identity link as described in another article and everything matches. But I'm not sure what else to do - the ... in the line below is the name/domain for our server which is hosted by us.
System.InvalidOperationException: 'Error loading discovery document: Issuer name does not match authority: https://.../docuware/identity'
This exception was originally thrown at this call stack:
[External Code]
DW_LOGIN.Program.RetrieveAccessTokenAsync(IdentityModel.OidcClient.OidcClient) in Program.cs
DW_LOGIN.Program.AuthorizationCodeFlow() in Program.cs
DW_LOGIN.Program.Main(string[]) in Program.cs