When installing FormIt and you find that the Apache Tomcat service will not start then try the following,
Ensure that you have the following pre-requisites accounted for:
- Using a supported environment as stated in the installation guide. (As of FormIt 5.1, Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, & 2012 are supported)
- You are using Java Development Kit (JDK) rather than Java Runtime Environment (JRE) because JDK is now required for FormIt 5.1
- No service is running on port 8080
- The JAVA_HOME system environment variable is set to the JDK installation directory, such as C:\Program Files\Java\JDK1.5.0-12\
- The PATH environment variable is set to include the JDK \BIN directory, such as C:\Program Files\Java\JDK1.5.0-12\BIN.
- Server is connected to the internet
If you are still having issues after checking these, make sure that you are using the 32bit JDK rather than the 64bit JDK.
If you have the scenario where you have both the 32bit & 64bit JDK installed, do the following:
- Remove the 64bit JDK
- Remove the Tomcat service using "Remove-FormIt Web-Service.bat"
- Install the Tomcat service using "Install-FormIt Web-Service.bat"