
Notification Server will not start. The startup indicator stays yellow. In the logs you see an error message that says

NotificationServer::Error: some needed email settings are missing at DocuWare.Notification.Actions.SmtpEmailSender..ctor(EmailSettings settings)

SMTP Authentication is enabled, but no credentials were supplied. To fix this do the following:

  • First, identify the SMTP connection being used by the Notification Server.
  • Next, review the settings for that connection, if the server does not require authentication, make sure the option is unchecked. If it does require authentication, make sure the username is properly filled out and the password is correct. Apply your changes.
    *Note: Do not try to test the connection. It will fail because the notification server is not running yet.
  • Open task manager. Identify and kill the task “DWNotificationServer.exe” from the details tab. This will change the status indicator from yellow to red.
  • Restart the Notification Server. It will turn green now, and you can test the email connection.