Posted Thu, 14 Jun 2018 17:30:27 GMT by Nayeli Velázquez

We have several errors that are presented randomly, on this server we also have the Intelligent Indexing OnSite server, and we have the hotfix installed DW6.11_HotFix25, when the hotfix was installed the system was working correctly, but after a couple of months the errors returned, we have to be constantly restarting the services.
- Windows Server 2012  64- Bit

- Processor: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E5 2650 v4@ 2.20 GHz  2.20 GHz (6 Processors)

- RAM: 22.0 GB


* Error - Image 1: "Active Content Server suitable for file cabinet was not found" - It happens • When you want to archive it. • It shows it immediately after entering docuware, and does not do anything.
* Error - Image 2: "The requested data could not be recovered in a timely manner." - It happens • When want to visualize a document. • When you want to Archive a document. • When wanting to download a file

* Error - Image 3: Can´t see the document , only the stamps. - It happens • When wanting to visualize a document.

* Error - Image 4: "Exception of type ´System.OutOfMemoryException´was thrown - It Happens • When wanting to visualize a document. • When wanting to Archive a document
* Warning - Image 5: " The last indexing attempt with Intelligent Indexing Service Failed. A connection to the service could not be established; One or more errors ocurred. - It happens • When doing the intelligent indexing.

* Error - Image 6: "Error loading the XML header of the document with ID (2341)" - It happens • when wanting to visualize a document
* Error - Image 7: "The request could not be served. - It happens • When you want to download a document, the waiting time runs out


   Help, please.

Posted Thu, 14 Jun 2018 17:37:13 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Your system infrastructure - likely the database requires some maintenance attention. These types of errors can usually be traced to poor database performance. Please open a Support Request for further inverstigation.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

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