Posted Thu, 08 Mar 2018 02:42:00 GMT by Nathan French ComDoc Systems Analyst

For an on-premise system, I know how to get the authenticaiton information from the intelligent indexing XML file, login to the interface, and reset the modelspace.

How can I do this in a Cloud system?


Posted Fri, 09 Mar 2018 06:52:06 GMT by Ingo Bechtle Director Software Support EMEA Team BLUE

Dear Mr. French,

the intelligent indexing model space in cloud can only be reset by creating a support request for our support department.

Things you have to keep in mind:
All information which were already learned by Intelligent Indexing will be lost.
That means intelligent indexing will learn again from scratch.

I would also like to share this interesting FAQ article with you:
This article targets DocuWare 6.11 but it's still about the core intelligent indexing learning.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen | With best regards

Ingo Bechtle
Software Support Specialist Team BLUE EMEA

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