Posted Thu, 22 Feb 2018 09:50:48 GMT by Jerome Minot Lead Solution


Sorry for my English.

I am a beginner in programming, I tried to call a web service for the validation (see attachment) of the fields during storage in C #. I created a project "MVC Web Application" as on the link "

From the browser or the "postman" extension, the web service is working properly. On the other hand since Docuware, I have a 400 error (bad request) that I can not correct.

Can you help me please?

my tests are on a virtual machine with a windows server 2016 and DW12



Posted Thu, 22 Feb 2018 14:52:14 GMT by Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there


If you are using C#, have you tried using the NuGet DocuWare API packages "DocuWarePlatformAPI"? More on that can be found here:

Using that package in .NET is by far the easiest way to utilize the RESTful API (Platform SDK).

Can you try that methodology and see if you can get connected and get a list of file cabinets back? That would mean you are up and running and just need to explore the DocuWare objects presented in the API package until you find how to do whatever you need doing.



Joe Kaufman

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