Posted Mon, 19 Feb 2018 08:42:26 GMT by David Miguel Trujillo

Hello everyone, 

I have to make an update from DW 5.1c to the last DW Version, 

I would like to know if it is possible to make a DW request from the actual version and then install from zero the new DW version configure it as it is right now (users, index, and cabinets) and import the DW Request, do you think it is a good option? (the company as very few users and file cabinets), 

Thanks in advance, David 

Posted Thu, 22 Feb 2018 18:55:33 GMT by Maria Holden Sr. Director Software Support Americas & APAC

Hello David,

No, updatating via Request will not work. As per FAQ 3317 the proper upgrade path is:

DocuWare 5.1c (SP1/SP2)

  1. Upgrade to DocuWare 6.7
  2. Upgrade to DocuWare 6.12

Maria Holden
Manager Support –  Americas

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