Posted Mon, 14 May 2018 15:20:00 GMT by Ron VandenLangenBerg Applications Developer


A short while ago we had two people with the same problem of not being able to check in documents.  One had a Pop-Up blocker set up on their machine.  It stopped them from downloading documents and stopped them for checking the files back in.  Once the pop-up blocker was set to allow pop-ups from the docuware server they were also able to check in their documents.

The other person was using Microsoft Edge as their browser.  We had them switch to Google Chrome and they were able to check in their documents.  I don't know why Edge had a problem with checking in documents.  We had a help ticket open and switching the browser was the recommendation of the person we were talking to.

I do not know of any way to download the original without going into the document history, so I cannot help you with that one.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, Ron


Posted Wed, 16 May 2018 10:58:44 GMT by Ron VandenLangenBerg Applications Developer


After reading your question a second time, I had one other thought.  When we used the check out to file system, we had to reimport the file we checked out to the file tray and then check it in from there.  Our users always have the save as dialog come up so they can save the document to an easily accessable location.  The default is rather long.

If you are going to do it this way, do not change the name of the document downloaded.  The name has data in it that docuware needs to keep the versioning connection working.  If the name is changed, docuware will loose the connection and checking it in will no longer be an option.


Thanks, Ron

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