Posted Tue, 27 Aug 2019 14:20:05 GMT by Edwin Fabian Donato TI
Good day

At the moment I am doing a workflow for purchase orders that consists of obtaining the information of the person who performs it, the person who approves it, and who is bought.

It turns out that I started developing it from docuware print but did not like it because the list of providers does not depend on a selection list of docuware but on the relation of the column in excel.

Now I am getting data from form and the relationship of what is going to be purchased with the attached option.

It turns out that at this time I have the following problems:

- I would like to know if there is a possibility that both the data obtained from the form and the attached one can be notified to those interested in a PDF attachment.
- And how to make the stamps set for the approval of the activity remain in the approval that is sent by mail.

Thank you

Buen día

En este momento me encuentro realizando un flujo de trabajo para ordenes de compra que consta de obtener la información de la persona que lo realiza, la persona que lo aprueba, y a quien se le compra.

Resulta que lo inicie desarrollando desde docuware print pero no ha gustado debido a que la lista de proveedores no depende de una lista de selección de docuware si no de la relación de la columna en excel.

Ahora  estoy realizando la obtención de datos desde form  y la relación de lo que se va comprar con la opción de adjunto.

Resulta que en este momento tengo los siguientes problemas:

- Me gustaria saber si existe la posibilidad que tanto los datos obtenidos del formulario como el adjunto se pueden notificar a los interesados en un adjunto de PDF.
- Y como hacer para que los sellos puestos para la aprobación de la actividad queden en la aprobación que se envia por correo.

Posted Tue, 27 Aug 2019 14:21:05 GMT by Matthias Wieland DocuWare Europe GmbH Sr. Director Support EMEA
Dear Fabian Donato! It looks like the Community cannot answer your question. Thats why we have opened a Support Request with the Number SR-74770-J0T2K for you. A Software Support Specialist will contact you directly to follow up. We will update this thread with the solution as soon as we have solved the Support Request. With Best Regards, DocuWare Support Team

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