Posted Tue, 04 Sep 2018 18:42:26 GMT by Michael Ceresia Sales and Support Consultant

What is the file size limit for Sync jobs and Transfers? DW7

Is there a differancein total file suize in regards to if the records are clipped or stapled? 

Posted Tue, 04 Sep 2018 19:04:26 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

This question seems to be related to the current support request. I am not aware of any size limit (but that is not to say that there may be a value that requires changing). However, the log file clearly indicates a bad gateway error, which would indicated a network coms problem during the transfer. Since the log only refers to a single document it is hard to say. It is possible that the transfer errors co-incided with some recent  DocuWare 7 Cloud infrastructure issues.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas



Posted Tue, 04 Sep 2018 19:18:00 GMT by Michael Ceresia Sales and Support Consultant

Hi Phil,

The documents I am looking at now were part of a successful (partially) Transfer of 2000+ Documents and 3 or 4 failed. This was days before the DW7 infrastructure issue.

 I was looking to execute a transfer of file size larger than "X" to determine my problem child documents (via the error log to obtain their DOCID) and deal with them prior to running the main Transfer.

*Edit* I am looking to use that idea on more than just this file cabinet. Some with over 100k records that have spit back 100+errors upon trying to run them prior.

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