Posted Fri, 13 Apr 2018 16:09:42 GMT by Kevin Fultz

Hello I have a customer asking if DocuWare has anything regarding

1) best practices for managing disk space.

And also this question.

2) can he go back and  convert all backscans that were done at 300 DPI COLOR to B/W to re claim disk space. ( All future scans are in BW). Is there an automated way to do this?


For the second question I believe the answer would be that DocuWare does not offer or have anything that would provide that functionality and that there may be some 3rd party software that could do that but we can recommend or promote any 3rd party software.

Posted Fri, 13 Apr 2018 16:25:42 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

DocuWare makes no recommendation on how the disk space is managed. We use the Windows file system just as any other application does. The subject may be better researched with Microsoft.
Once a document is stored, there is no post processing of documents provided. We consider the stored document to be an archive and not changable by any automated process.
Be aware, that while it is a feasible exercise to have some software developed that can process the documents in place, there are a great many things to consider.
Are they images or PDF's? Changing the dpi will significantly change the behavior of annotations and stamps. Fulltext will not longer work find and highlight words in the document.
Therefore such an exercise would need to be carefully executed.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

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