
When you try to upload a file as an attachment to DocuWare Form, the upload fails.

Please refer to the following information regarding file size restrictions for attachments with DocuWare Forms; 

File upload limitations by default for DocuWare 7.9 and below

  • The size of all file attachments combined may not exceed 20 MB.

  • An individual file attachment may not exceed 10 MB.

  • A maximum of 10 files can be added to a "File attachment" field.

File upload limitation changes in DocuWare 7.10 and above

  • For non-public forms, the size limit for file attachments has been extended from 20 MB to 300 MB per attachment and from 100 MB to 500 MB for the whole form, including all the images, fields, data, and attachments.

  • For public forms, the existing size limits (20 MB and 100 MB) remain in place for security reasons.

File type restrictions
If the user is only permitted to upload PDFs, delete all entries apart from ".pdf" from the default list. Please see KBA-36673 on how to restrict certain file types from being imported to DocuWare

List of allowed file extension types by default (can be added or deleted)
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .bmp, .tif, .psd, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .mp3, .mp4, .aac, .wav, .wmv, .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .zip.

NOTE: The size limitation and number of files cannot be altered at this time, if the need to increase is needed.

KBA is applicable to both Cloud and On-premise Organizations.

Comments (2)
  • Hello,

    Is this still the same on DW 7+ ?

    Thank you.
  • Hello, 
    It is not clear the 100Mb and 500Mb.
    the total limit is 300Mb >=7.10, with individual, is it 10 or 100Mb ? or is it 10 Mb <=7.9 and 50 Mb >=7.10

    best regards,