
Is it possible to add additional Microsoft fonts to DocuWare Stamps?

To add or edit additional Microsoft fonts to be used or displayed with DocuWare Stamps, navigate to
%ProgramData%\DocuWare\ServerConfig and open the "DocuWare.Fonts.csv"

Add a comma after the last font name, then add your desired font with no spaces between the comma and the name. After adding your font to the file, you must restart IIS. Please refer to KBA-34532 which will go over how to correctly restart IIS
Note: Please make a copy of the file as a backup prior to making any changes. Not all Windows Fonts may be used with DocuWare Stamps.

Note: If you are not using a font with DocuWare Stamps, it will most likely be replaced with a font that is on your DocuWare System.

KBA is applicable for On-premise Organizations ONLY.