When attempting to open the Workflow Designer, the following error is presented;

"Object already exists. 
Failed to connect to DocuWare with specified settings. Please check if the DocuWare server is active and if your URL information and SSL settings are correct. "

To address this issue, please do the following, 
  1. Navigate to %appdata%\Microsoft\Crypto\Keys
  2. Locate the file cf236fef4f2a62fef7332f97eaa4c374_5f486a76-0eb5-4721-b2e0-ce444dc07072,
    make a backup, then remove the original file from this directory. 
    Note: The highlighted string will differ as this part is specific to your DocuWare system.

  3. Restart the machine, then you should be able to open the Workflow Designer.

KBA is applicable to Cloud and On-premise Organizations.