• Hi Phil,

    Hi Phil,

    I did try the contains and then email of the user, but that did not appear to work.

    However now that I think about it, since the update to v7 I've noticed a delay in changes that I make actually starting to appear. I'll retry it and allow it some time to settle in :)

  • Wrong condition. Not parsed string ')' for field 'Authoriser'

    I created an Index Value Profile today with a Query Definition using Graphical Editor like this:

    Authoriser  |  Is (where clause)  |  *CURRENTUSEREMAIL()

    This is so the user can only read documents that contain their email address. The Authoriser field stores a code number and their email address like this "EGD1234 john@email.com" so I used the wildcard * together with CURRENTUSEREMAIL() to get the result.

    When I first tested this it worked as expected. The logged in user could only see documents that had their email address in the Authoriser field. The user only had this one file cabinet profile and nothing else.

    Now a couple of hours later and it no longer works. When the user does a search they get the error message: Wrong condition. Not parsed string ')' for field 'Authoriser'

    Nothing has changed, I don't understand why this worked initially and now doesn't?

  • I found the link, it is:

    I found the link, it is: https://elearning.docuware.com/


  • elearning

    I can no longer find the elearning tutorials, have they been moved, are they still available?

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