• Parse a Keyword field in Workflow Designer??

    Does anyone know if it's possible to Parse a keyword field in Workflow Designer?  We have a field that we are using that is being populated with Account #'s (AA_1000, BB_2000, CC_3000), etc....and we would like to be able to parse those account numbers out to put into a Workflow Variable for each so that we have Workflow Variable as follows:  AccountAA=1000  AccountBB=2000 AccountCC=3000.

    I was trying to use an Arithmetic Expression to try and parse it out in the Assign Data, but am not sure how to do this.

  • Creating a notification based upon date??

    In previous versions of DocuWare...you were able to send out a notification email based upon a date (for example...Invoices due within 10 days) there was an option when chosing a date field to chose something like 10 days before, etc.  I don't see that option now with Notifications...so I was going to create a Workflow trigger to do the same thing, but I also cannot figure out how to do an arithmetic expression in this case to send a notification 2 days after the dw store date.
  • Exporting DWTIFF as TIFF

    We have a client that we upgraded to version 7.  Prior to this upgrade, they were on version 6.5.  6.5 was before my time, but it appears that when they stored images in DW in 6.5, it stored them as DWTIFF, however, via the Client, they were able to export those as TIFF to provide to the State.  Since upgrading to 7, we can only export them as DWTIFF, is there a way to export them as TIFF?

  • Program Data\DocuWare\Temp be cleaned out??

    We have a customer that is doing an import from SAP into DocuWare, our Storage Locations are located on another server, however, the ProgramData\DocuWare\Temp folder is growing exponentially (up to 44gb now), my question is what is this folder and can we clean it up?

  • I am using v.7....so perhaps

    I am using v.7....so perhaps that's my issue!  Thanks!!

  • I am using v.7....so perhaps

    I am using v.7....so perhaps that's my issue!  Thanks!!

  • Nope.  I didn't think it

    Nope.  I didn't think it would be this difficult...have spent the last day trying to get this to work.  Here's the error:



    Time: 10:55 AM

    Error in system activity: [1: Paradigm PO] LDS Connector error! "Database operation SELECT [PO Number] FROM [Paradigm] WHERE ([PO Number] LIKE \"*\" & '08888' & \"*\") failed. Invalid column name '*'.\r\nInvalid column name '*'."

  • Phil,


    I tried your suggestion and get the following message (which seems to be the same message I get for almost all my attempts)


    Error in system activity: [1: Paradigm PO] LDS Connector error! "Database operation SELECT [PO Number] FROM [Paradigm] WHERE ([PO Number] LIKE \"%\" & '08888' & \"%\") failed. Invalid column name '%'.\r\nInvalid column name '%'."


    Here was my statement

    SELECT PO Number FROM [Database Name] WHERE [PO Number] LIKE "%" & GV_PO_Number & "%"

  • Phil,


    I tried your suggestion and get the following message (which seems to be the same message I get for almost all my attempts)


    Error in system activity: [1: Paradigm PO] LDS Connector error! "Database operation SELECT [PO Number] FROM [Paradigm] WHERE ([PO Number] LIKE \"%\" & '08888' & \"%\") failed. Invalid column name '%'.\r\nInvalid column name '%'."


    Here was my statement

    SELECT PO Number FROM [Database Name] WHERE [PO Number] LIKE "%" & GV_PO_Number & "%"

  • Trying to do a "like" or "contains" operator in WF Designer

    So I'm trying to lookup a PO# from an external MSSQL data source.  The issue is, the PO# in the data source is in the following format PO1-08888, however, the PO that we're capturing from the image is just 0888.  So I'm trying to use a like or contains operator to find the PO in the external source to fill in additional information.  I've tried so many different queries and have found none to work.


    Here's what I'm currently using, and it does not work:

    SELECT PO Number FROM [DatabaseName] WHERE [PO Number]  like "GV_PO_Number"


    My GV_PO_Number is the number captured from the image 08888 and the [PO Number] is the column name in the databse.


    Any thoughts??