
How to change location of "Index Files path" for the fulltext files of a file cabinet?

The index files used by fulltext are stored in a Windows directory, which is defined while running Fulltext Server setup. For each file cabinet using the fulltext option, a subdirectory is created named like the GUID of the corresponding file cabinet. Since the index files might get very big, it might be useful to have different locations for the file cabinets’ full text index files.
Create a new file cabinet with a new fulltext index files location
Before creating the new file cabinet a new storage location for fulltext index files has to be created. This can be done in DocuWare Administration - System - Data Connections - Fulltext Server Connection - context menu "Create Solr connection". In the wizzard for creating a new file cabinet with full text option this new Fulltext Server Connection has to be assigned.
Change fulltext index files location of an existing file cabinet
The index files location used for full text of a file cabinet cannot be changed in DocuWare Administration only. The index files have to be moved to the new location and the solr.xml file has to be adapted manually as well.

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a new storage location for fulltext index files This can be done in DocuWare Administration - System - Data Connections - Fulltext Server Connection - context menu "Create Solr connection".
  2. Assign this new storage location to the file cabinet
  3. Get GUID of file cabinet: DocuWare Administration - Organization - File Cabinets - <file cabinet>- General - Unique ID
  4. Navigate to the fulltext index files path of this file cabinet in Windows Explorer. There you can find a directory which is named like the GUID of the file cabinet. Stop the Fulltext Server and move this directory to the new location.
  5. Open file <Directory of Fulltext Server>\webapps\solrt\solr\solr.xml with notepad.exe. Check this file for the GUID of this file cabinet and change the entry dataDir to the new location
    Old location
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <solr sharedLib="lib" persistent="true">
    - <cores adminPath="/admin/cores" shareSchema="true"> <core name="eb8107d4-2aa5-4b31-a42c-5ad50b6727b8" instanceDir=".\" dataDir="C:/DocuWare/fulltext/eb8107d4-2aa5-4b31-a42c-5ad50b6727b8" /> </cores></solr
    New location
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><solr sharedLib="lib" persistent="true">-
    <cores adminPath="/admin/cores" shareSchema="true"><core name="eb8107d4-2aa5-4b31-a42c-5ad50b6727b8" instanceDir=".\" dataDir="e:/fulltext/eb8107d4-2aa5-4b31-a42c-5ad50b6727b8" /></cores></solr>
  6. Start Fulltext Server
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