You are experiencing a decrease in performance in the processing of tasks within DocuWare Cloud.
  • Opening documents in DocuWare Viewer takes longer than, e.g. an hour ago
  • Performing a search for Documents is fast, at the beginning of the day, but during lunchtime the search is very slow
  • Storing documents in file-cabinet A is fast, but storing documents in file-cabinet B takes time


For further troubleshooting the described scenario, preparing answers to following questions, will speed up the processing of your enquiry at DocuWare.
  • Which operations are slow? (storing, searching, displaying of documents etc.?)
  • Which file cabinets and baskets are affected by the behavior?
  • When did you experience the performance issues (date & time)?
    • One time occurrence or regular behavior?
  • Can you connect the decrease to a certain action or operation?
    • Maybe since the upgrade to a newer version or since adding new jobs like Auto-Index or Workflow (please add the name of the process)?
  • Have you tested your current internet speed?
    • Did you try with a different internet connection, e.g. mobile? 
  • Do you also receive exceptions during those performance decreases?

See below an example of helpful information:

  • Which operations are slow? 
    • Searching for documents is slower than normal
  • Which file cabinets and baskets are affected by the behavior?
    • File-cabinet Documents 
  • When did you experience the performance issues (date & time)?
    • 28th of January 20XX between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.
    • One time occurrence or regular behavior?
      • Searches regularly decrease in this time range
  • Can you connect the decrease to a certain action or operation (please add the name of the process)?
    • We have introduced a new Auto-Index with the name "Sync Data from ERP-System" 
  • Have you tested your current internet speed?
    • According to the latest speed test, my connection has 20 Mbit/s
  • Do you also receive messages during those performance decreases?
    • No messages are displayed in the WebClient

Please consider performing the following steps to enable a more precise investigation and faster resolution:

  1. Activate the Diagnostic Mode within your profile and repeat the slow operations (storing, searching, displaying of documents)
    1. You can activate the diagnostic mode by opening your profile settings and selecting the option as shown below
    2. Please upload screenshots of the repeated operations to the support request, you will see information like below (below example contains good reaction speeds)
  2. Should you notice, that specific documents are slower than others, please provide the following information
    1. Edit index entries > System entries (usernames have been obscured for the article)
  3. If only a specific file-cabinets searches is slower, then please provide the "Administrative information" (Configurations > File-Cabinets > File Cabinet Name > More options > Scroll to page ending)
    1. ​​​​​​​
    2.  Above information has been obscured for the article only. Please provide all details
  4. ​​​​​​​Should you receive any error message normally indicated by a message bar in the upper right corner, please add a screenshot of this message to Test data
    1. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Please check here for more information on how to upload logs and screenshots KBA-36198


Comments (1)
  • see Ticket SR-175184-M7C8P