
How can I write the document size and file type into index fields in a cloud system, and how can I use it for reporting?

Please refer to the following guide to writing document size and file type in index fields;
To achieve this, please ensure you have the following prerequisites;

  • A new field in the file cabinet with the type “NUMERIC”
  • A new field in the file cabinet with the type “TEXT”
  • One Autoindex Workflow
  • One data export configuration
Step 1: Create the fields in the File Cabinet
  • Navigate to the Configurations page, open the File Cabinets plugin, then open the file cabinet setting of the desired file cabinet. In the Database Fields tab, create the desired fields.

Step 2: Create an Autoindex

  • Navigate to the Configurations page, open the Autoindex plugin, and create an Autoindex workflow. Open the Match Data tab and from the Source section, enable the external database option and select your unique Cloud GUID that should end in autoindex. Enable the Tabe view and select the main table of your file cabinet from the dropdown. 

  • Within the Matchcode section, set the matching field as follows:
    Doc ID is equal DWDOCID

  • In the Assign Data tab, assign the 2 newly created fields and select the corresponding system fields for indexing. All other Autoindex settings can be left on their default selections. Once completed, save your autoindex and run the Autoindex workflow.

  • After you have run the Autoindex, you will notice that the index fields have been filled with the file type, which is the extension of the file like PDF or DOCX, and the file size is given in kilobytes.

  • Please note, since the file's size is written as kilobytes, that means that 12.368 as seen in the example above, means 0.012 Megabytes. 
    If the file type is empty and the file size is zero, it means that it is not a document but a data record.

Step 3: Export the Index Data for reporting purposes

  • Lastly, open the Export Data plugin from the Configurations page and create a new Export Data configuration.

  • Use your default result list for export, or define your export configuration. After the export has run, you can import the data to any data software you desire, such as Microsoft Excel, for reporting purposes. This method enables you to get an overview of what documents, file types and file sizes you have in your Cloud system.

KBA is applicable to Cloud Organizations ONLY.

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