I have a new user who needs to be able to make changes to a workflow. How do I grant them the rights to do this? 

For a user to implement changes to a workflow, they must be given "Designer" rights. Please refer to the following guide on how this can be accomplished;
  1. First, we need to make note of the account which created the workflow. 
    You can find this in the DocuWare Workflow Designer by selecting the workflow, then checking the account that appears under "Created by" :

    NOTE: Any user account with Designer rights may also grant such rights to a user.

  2. Knowing the account that created the workflow, log in to DocuWare and make a Desktop Apps connection to access the Workflow Designer as that user.
  3. Click on the workflow, then select the Key icon towards the top of the application.

  4. Click on the "Designer" tab on the right, then select the user you wish to grant Designer rights to. Press OK to save the changes.
The next time the user accesses the Workflow Designer app, they will be able to make changes to the workflow.

KBA is applicable for both Cloud and On-premise Organizations.