As an Authorized DocuWare Partner (ADP), where can I access training and sales content for DocuWare?
DocuWare offers training courses and content to all ADPs located within the DocuWare Academy. Please reference the following guide on how to access DocuWare Academy;
1. To access the DocuWare Academy, you must create a DocuWare ID and become associated with your organization's DocuWare account. Please reference KBA-36956 on how to create a DocuWare ID and how to get invited to your organization's DocuWare account.
2. Now that we have ensured your account has been created and associated, navigate to and log in to My Account.

3. From here, click on the My Business tab at the top-right of the web page.

4.  Scroll down to the Resources section and click on "Go to LMS

5.  Once completed, you have now accessed DocuWare Academy and can utilize all training content and material.