How can I modify my scenario to ensure it uses OAuth2 authentication since Cookie Authentication is being deprecated in DocuWare 7.11?

Please refer to the following guide to change from Cookie Authentication to OAuth2;
  1. From, access your configured scenario. 

  2. Click on Add from the Connection tab, then select DocuWare OAuth2 from the Connection type dropdown.
    Enter your DocuWare Server URL under DocuWare Server URL, then press "Save" to create the new Connection.

  3. With the new connection created, press OK. Now, it will utilize OAuth2 moving forward.

  4. Finally, go through the other modules in your scenario that reference a connection and update them to use the OAuth2 connection. 

  5. Once completed, your scenario will now use OAuth2 authentication. Navigate to the Connections section of the scenario and delete the Cookie Authentication connection.
KBA is applicable for Cloud Organizations ONLY.