
How can I open DocuWare Service Control on Windows 7?

You must run DocuWare Service Control as a Windows administrator on Windows 7.
If you open it using the service control icon in the notification field and try to start or stop a service, Service Control closes after a prompt appears, which you must confirm with "Yes".
The system checks whether the user logged in is a local Windows administrator. If this is the case, you can open Server Control again and start and stop the services as usual.
In the case of a normal user, User Account Control opens. If you now enter an administrator password, you can start/stop the DocuWare services via Service Control.
Alternatively, to open Service Control directly as an administrator, navigate in the file system to the DocuWare.ServiceControl.exe file (standard installation path is C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare) and open the .exe using the Run as administrator context menu command. Log in as a local Windows administrator.