Vistas: 209

When starting Docuware administration on a different PC than the DocuWare Server you get possibly the following error:
"Error connecting: No suitable active server AuthenticationServer with guid ... found"

In this case, an external connection for the DocuWare system must be created in DocuWare Administration.
The external connection is at node DocuWare system>general>External connections . At this point, enter only a name for the external connection.
This external connection can be assigned to all DocuWare servers (DocuWare system - server). This external connection can be choosen from any of the DocuWare server, and then click the line "external connection".
In the opened window you can select the external connection from which you want to add to the server. After this assignment, the connection will be displayed in the respective server.
Last but not least, you now need to define the server's IP address and port of the DocuWare server.
For example, for the authentication server in a default installation [SERVER_IP] : 9000