Posted Fri, 06 Sep 2019 23:20:54 GMT by Robert Sneidar IT Administrator
Hi all. First time poster. Our sales workflow starts when we receive signed documents from our customer. These can include among others, a lease agreement, order form, new install request for service, network site survey, etc. These come back from the customer as a SINGLE PDF. I would like to create multiple Document Processing tasks for each kind of document, but the PDF needs to be split into it's various different forms, otherwise I fear it's going to be a nightmare trying to create a capture task for it.

I had the idea that our different document types could each have a barcode that triggered a split of some sort, and imported each document as a discreet document in DocuWare. The icing on the cake would be to then clip all the documents together in the destination inbox.
Posted Mon, 09 Sep 2019 10:02:33 GMT by Andreas Link NOTHNAGEL GmbH & Co. Kommunikationssysteme KG Business Consultant ECM
Hey Bob,

I had a similar need and tested following szenario:
- any document has a barcode label with its doc-type on the first page
- for any document type there is an import configuration
- each import configuration is looking for the corresponding barcode
- if found, the configuration is automatically choosen
- barcode is also used to seperate a stacked scan into multiple documents
- single scanned or stack scanned documents are scanned into ONE SINGLE folder.
- DocuWare Import (Desktop Apps) is watching this folder

My results:
- for single documents everything is nice and working
- stacks are completely (!!) processed according to the first matching automatic choosen configuration

Because DocuWare 'locks' the configuration as soon as configuration is found, all following pages/documents in a stack are processed with this configuration.

If anybody has a solution I would be glad to read it here.
Posted Mon, 09 Sep 2019 18:38:54 GMT by Craig Heintz SE
The issue is that in DocuWare it uses the barcode to decide which configuration to use, the splitting there of of the document is done after the decision is made and in the configuration it choose.

You can have them scanned in sections or have someone split the document before it is put into the hot folder.  By doing this, you can embed the document type in the barcode and DocuWare will select the correct configuration for each document and switch automatically per document.

There are 3rd part applications that you could drop the documents to a sparate folder that is monitored by a 3rd part software that would split the large pdf into separate pdf's at each barcode. Then have it deposit them to the DW hotfolder and allow it to determine the configuration.

It is a good idea to set your configurations to consider file age so that they are not picking up documents as they are being written.
Posted Mon, 09 Sep 2019 18:58:33 GMT by Katie Blakley ERP Application Analyst
We had a similar situation (on version 6.10). How we got around it is to have the barcode do the majority of the work. We use a 2D barcode, and applied as much information as we could in that matrix. The import configuration runs and splits when it sees a barcode. The information in the barcode is deposited into 1 index field in a string like- INV|XXX|4567|ABC. We then have a parsing program running that transfers the values of the barcode to their appropriate index fields, which kicks off the associated workflows.

While our parsing program is custom, I did hear that it was functionality provided with 7. If you're on 7- I'll be curious to see what you can find.
Posted Tue, 10 Sep 2019 06:57:24 GMT by Andreas Link NOTHNAGEL GmbH & Co. Kommunikationssysteme KG Business Consultant ECM
So the problem is clearly described.

A good new feature would a checkbox in a configuration like 're-identify configuration after document split'.
But I'm afraid that this will never come...

So all we can do is use additional tools to split a stack by barcode before putting the splittet documents into the hotfolder of DocuWare Import.

Does anybody know good tools to do this??

Thanks for sharing your experience!


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