Posted Wed, 29 Jan 2020 16:43:55 GMT by Phillip Enns Systems Admin
I've been trying to setup a workflow to run on a daily bases that is triggered based on a index fields (expiration date) date range.  So in other words I want it to trigger the workflow when an expiration date comes within 30 days.  The only other things I have included with the trigger are verifications to ensure the document hasn't been triggered already and to pull the current Document Type.   The workflow doesn't appear to be ever triggering off of any documents.  I'm not even sure if the workflow is actually running?  Any way to verify that a workflow actually did even attempt to run when it was supposed to?  I don't see anything in the workflow history on any documents it should be triggering.  Any ideas of what could be going wrong?  
Posted Mon, 03 Feb 2020 15:18:10 GMT by Tobias Getz DocuWare GmbH Team Leader Product Management
Hi Philipp,
at first glance your trigger looks fine, but I would suggest that you add the conditions one by one, so you can verify which of them works in your case.
So maybe just start with the first row and make sure, that the workflow triggers. Then add the next row and try again. Maybe there is really no document that matches your condition or maybe your workflows do not trigger, which means, that you probably have to contact support.
Tobias Getz
Director Product

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