Posted Fri, 22 Mar 2019 14:25:04 GMT by Carlos Angel Rocha
I am creating a form in which by means of its behavior the drop-down list that should be stored in the file cabinet is enabled, it happens that at the time of the "indexing of the merger form" it only allows me to choose one of those values, but as the capture information depends on the behavior in some cases the field of the file cabinet is empty,

depending on which drop-down list was chosen for behavior, it is stored in a field of the file cabinet

In what way can I make that, depending on the drop-down list that was chosen, the information always reaches the same field in the file cabinet?

Posted Fri, 22 Mar 2019 15:16:01 GMT by Josef Zayats
the easiest way to do this is by creating a number of AutoIndex Jobs - one for each line in your dropdown list. 
When storing the form, have a control field to  accept chosen value from the dropdown and use this as a particular AI job condition and have each Job fill in a corresponding index field.  
Posted Tue, 26 Mar 2019 16:26:27 GMT by Carlos Angel Rocha
From which autoindex option can I consult the fields of a form's drop-down list?

I can not find the option

Posted Tue, 26 Mar 2019 16:39:23 GMT by Josef Zayats
let's say your form dropdown list for field ShipmentType has 5 choices :
You create 5 similar AutoIndex jobs,
criteria for 1st is ShipmentType = MethodA,
criteria for 2nd is ShipmetType = MethodB
and each job writes whatever data you need into corresponding Index field 

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