Publié Thu, 15 Aug 2024 05:25:11 GMT par Mariya Tsvetkova Business Consultant
Dear All,

Is it possible to add a stamp with specific coordinates automatically with workflow? Our customer has the following request - after storing a new document in a file cabinet, an automatic number has to be generated (we are doing this using a workflow) and then a stamp containing the automatic number that was given has to be placed on the document (on the upper left corner).

Publié Thu, 15 Aug 2024 10:25:17 GMT par Simon H. Hellmann Toshiba Tec Germany Imaging Systems GmbH IT-Consultant Document Management Solutions

Hello Mariya Tsvetkova,<br> <br> yes, you should be able to do that using the Platform API with the webservice activity.<br> This is the route you need to use:&#160;<br> <code>POST https://{{DocuWareServer}}/docuware/Platform/FileCabinets/{{FileCabinet-GUID}}/Documents/{{Doc-ID}}/Annotation</code><br> <br> Position is optional - if you give no position information, the API places the stamp in a convenient position, just like a normal workflow task stamp.<br> If you want to include the position, remember that the API expects twips as the unit of measurement.<br> <br> Hope this helps.<br> Greetings from Germany,<br> Simon H. Hellmann<br> DocuWare System Consultant

Publié Mon, 19 Aug 2024 07:11:47 GMT par Mariya Tsvetkova Business Consultant
Hello Simon,<br> <br> Thank you very much for the quick reply.<br> <br> We managed to put the stamp automatically using the route&#160;POST&#160;https://{{DocuWareServer}}/docuware/Platform/FileCabinets/{{FileCabinet-GUID}}/Documents/{{Doc-ID}}/Annotation. Unfortunately, I was not able to to set a specific location where the stamp should be placed on the document by the workflow.&#160;<span style="font-size:10.0pt;"><span style="font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,sans-serif;">It always depends on the document itself.</span></span><br> <br> If somebody has figured it out, It will be great to share a sample JSON containing the twips mentioned above.<br> <br> Best Regards,<br> <br> Mariya<br> &#160;

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