Fulltext Service does not work or is not starting.
Check following steps (after each step check if the fulltext server is running)
- Verify that the Windows Control Panel there is more than one entry for Java.
If two entries such as "Java version 6 Update 21" and "Java version 6 Update 31" exist, uninstall the Update , which is included in the DocuWare setup. In following you will find a list of the matching Java versions to the different DocuWare versions.
Example for DocuWare 6.1: Update 31 Full text of the service runs in each case with the version "Java version 6 Update 21", which is included on the installation CD DocuWare. If necessary, install "Java version 6 Update 21", if the version is not already installed.
(If a current Java version is to be used. Uninstall all versions and install the latest version manually). Even reinstalling the "Java version 6 Update 31" to correct the problem.
Requirement for the different DocuWare versions:
DocuWare Version
Java Version Update
DocuWare 5.1c-6.1
Java 6 Update 21
DocuWare 6.5
Java 7 Update 45
DocuWare 6.6
Java 7 Update 55
DocuWare 6.7
Java 7 Update 71 or newer
DocuWare 6.8
Java 8 Update 45 or newer
DocuWare 6.9
Java 8 Update 45 or newer
DocuWare 6.10
Java 8 Update 45 or newer
DocuWare 6.11
Java 8 Update 112 or newer
DocuWare 6.12
Java 8 Update 131 or newer
DocuWare 7
Java 8 Update 171 or newer
From DocuWare 6.7 you can use the newest Java version.
Under certain circumstances, the fulltext server can not be successfully started again after a Java update.
The background is that the Tomcat Java is still looking at the old path.
Thefore the Java path has to be adjusted accordingly.
Adjustments need to be done in the ConfigDWTomcat.cmd under the tab "Java" in section "Java Virtual Machine". (Default path: "C:\Program Files\DocuWare\Full-Text Server")
The current path to the jvm.dll has to be specified manually.
The service should run again.
- Navigate in DocuWare Administration on Data Connections -> Full Text Server Connection -> Default connection Solr. Check (Can be achieved the full text service?) By clicking the "Connection Test" on the toolbar if the connection works for Solr:
If the connection fails:
Check in the full text server log (catalina log) in C:\Program Files"(x86)"\DocuWare\Full-Text Server\logs, the following error message occurs:
GRAVE: StandardServer.await: create [localhost: 8005]: Address already in use: JVM_Bind at (Native Method)
If notification occurs the upper port of the Tomcat server is used by another process (eg other Tomcat server). Navigate to C:\Program Files "(x86)"\DocuWare\Full-Text Server\conf\ and edit the file
server.xml. Change in server.xml the port value in the following section:
<Server Shutdown="SHUTDOWN" port="8005">
<- April library loader. Documentation at / docs / apr.html ->
<Listener SSLEngine="on" className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener"/>
To change the port 8005 to a port number that is not used by a process.
The service should run again.
If you received during the search process in the archive the following error message: 407 - Proxy authentication required
Please create a new solr connection under Data Connections -> Advanced Server connection. Assign the new full-text server connection the archives with full-text support to (<archive> - assigning the new full-text server connection> point full text - -> box full text server connection).
If the connection is successful:
Can the Tomcat URL connection (in default Solr connection) be called with the given URL? (Eg similar url to: http://WIN2008X64R2:9012/solrt ).
Copy the URL into a web browser -> a GUID should be displayed in the following form: 3b21fb80-d55a-40DE-982b-ff62356bd296.
If no GUID is displayed, you can select the appropriate file in the Administration with the right mouse button. You can then select the menu item "Deploy".
The service should run again.
- Check if a Java Home variable is defined on the system, preventing the current version of the Java from running.
Do this, start the command prompt (cmd) and type the command "SET" to display all defined system parameters. Check if a Java Home variable was defined that points to a directory that does not match the file path of the current version of Java.
If a Java Home variable was defined that refers to an old Java directory then that variable needs to be removed. With right mouse button select Properties. Select Advanced System Settings and in the "Advanced" button, the "Environment Variables". In the System variables delete the entry for the Java Home variable.
The service should run again.
If the Full Text service will still not run please open a Support Rquest and include the current logs from Full Text Server (catalina logs): (C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\Full-Text Server\logs).