Vues :

The created Hyperlinks/Integrationlinks do not contain the NTLM parameter. This means, if no session is active (no cookies), you will get redirected to the DocuWare login page, where you have to enter your DocuWare credentials first, or you have to select Windows-Login manually.

Since DocuWare 6.7 you can change this behavior in the Platform web.config (default path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DocuWare\Web\Platform\Web.config"). This means, the hyperlink does contain the NTLM parameter inside the URL.

<setting name="UseNTLMForIntegrations" serializeAs="String">

Change the value to "True".  After saving the web.config / replacing with the existing one, the application pool of the Platform will get recycled automatically. This means, you do not have to restart the IIS manually, the settings are active after saving the file.