投稿済み Mon, 21 Jun 2021 20:04:11 GMT 、投稿者 Sam Stevens Application Specialist
One of our managers would like a report showing our DocuWare users and what access, or permissions they have to our various filing cabinets.

We are using DocuWare 6.9, and I have not found anything in DocuWare Administration that would allow me to create such a list or report.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions or advice.
投稿済み Mon, 21 Jun 2021 20:47:46 GMT 、投稿者 Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there

We are on 6.11, SQL Server, on premise. So, a query of the database gets us the information we need, at least the basic add, edit, view, and delete capabilities by user/group and file cabinet. The queries are fairly complicated, but here they are, run against the dwsystem database of your SQL Server:

For GROUP permissions:
SELECT G.Name AS GroupName, R.Name AS RoleName, FC.Name AS FileCabinetName, FCP.Name AS Permission
    FROM DWGroup G INNER JOIN DWGroupToRole GR ON G.gid = GR.gid
        INNER JOIN DWRoles R ON GR.rid = R.rid
        INNER JOIN DWFCProfileToRole FCPR ON R.rid = FCPR.rid
        INNER JOIN DWFCProfile FCP ON FCPR.fpid = FCP.fpid
        INNER JOIN DWFileCabinet FC ON FCP.fid = FC.fid
    WHERE G.oid = 1 AND G.type = 1 AND G.Active = 1
        AND R.type = 1 AND R.active = 1
    ORDER BY G.Name, R.Name, FC.Name, FCP.Name

For USER permissions:
SELECT U.Name AS UserName, FC.Name AS FileCabinetName, FCP.Name AS Permission
        INNER JOIN DWFCProfile FCP ON FCPU.fpid = FCP.fpid
        INNER JOIN DWFileCabinet FC ON FCP.fid = FC.fid
    WHERE U.oid = 1 AND U.Active = 1
    ORDER BY U.Name, FC.Name, FCP.Name

If you do not have access to the database, or if the structures have changed between 6.9 and 6.11, you may be out of luck. But these queries return a handy listing of groups and users and the permissions they have for file cabinets.

Do note that if your security setup is more convoluted (as in you use a lot of complex, custom-built Profiles) this data will probably be of less use to you. But if you keep things fairly vanilla, it generates a nice summary of what people can see.

Hope this helps!

Joe Kaufman
投稿済み Mon, 21 Jun 2021 21:10:40 GMT 、投稿者 Sam Stevens Application Specialist
Thank you so much, Joe.
I'm glad to know that I was not missing something obvious in the application.

I'll have to give these queries to my dba, since I don't have access to the database server.

-Sam Stevens
投稿済み Mon, 21 Jun 2021 21:36:07 GMT 、投稿者 Joe Kaufman Bell Laboratories Inc No longer there

You are most welcome!

Hope your DBA gets a nice listing back for you -- just glad someone has access to the data. Not sure what cloud folks end up doing when direct queries are required!

Joe Kaufman
投稿済み Wed, 15 May 2024 15:00:19 GMT 、投稿者 Jorge Drouet Business Analyst
Hello! is there a way to do this in Cloud 7.10 version?
