Veröffentlicht Mon, 07 May 2018 15:48:27 GMT von Callum McGlynn Technical Solutions Manager

I am running an upgrade install for a customer.

Whenever I try and run the regular docuware installation to upgrade their database I am getting an error stating that "Exception has been thrown by the target of the invocation"

If I try and run the SystemUpgraderTool I get the same error but with the expanded message of -

"This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated crptographic algorithims"

Any ideas how to get around/resolve this error would be greatly appreciated.

Veröffentlicht Mon, 07 May 2018 16:05:46 GMT von Christopher Ure Software Support Analyst


You need to disable FIPS compliance in the Local Policies. Please see for more details on how to do so.

Christopher Ure

Software Support Specialist

Support Team GREEN - Americas

Veröffentlicht Mon, 07 May 2018 16:26:24 GMT von Callum McGlynn Technical Solutions Manager

Hi Christopher,

Many thanks for your response. Can I just clarify... The customer is looking at running a split install (1 x DMZ, 2 x App, 1 x DB)

Do all of them need to have FIPS disabled?


Veröffentlicht Mon, 07 May 2018 17:16:43 GMT von Christopher Ure Software Support Analyst

You should remove it from any server that hosts a DocuWare component.

Christopher Ure

Software Support Specialist

Support Team GREEN - Americas

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