Veröffentlicht Thu, 14 Jun 2018 18:59:43 GMT von Stefan Toubia ERP Developer

I'm testing out the DocuWare SDK and ran into this issue from the sample on GitHub


Setting up the connection and querying the file cabinet was super simple to get working, but I got an exception when trying to call the GetFileCabinetFromSelfRelation() method.  


Invalid Operation Exception : 'Decimal' is not a valid value for DWFieldType


Removing the decimal field from my file cabinet let me get around this, but this is not going to work if I'm going to successfully integrate with docuware I think.  Has anybody run into this?  Could is possibly be a compatibility issue?  Currently on version 6.

Veröffentlicht Fri, 15 Jun 2018 06:30:22 GMT von Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

DocuWare only supports the decmial field type in the latest releases. Even though you can select that type when creating a field. For numeric fields up to 6.11 you can only use INT.
So you can move forward by not using decimal, or upgrade your system to 6.12 where it is supported.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Veröffentlicht Fri, 15 Jun 2018 17:24:15 GMT von Stefan Toubia ERP Developer

Great, thanks for the answer!

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