Veröffentlicht Tue, 15 Jun 2021 08:46:56 GMT von Gilles TATON

Hi there,

I would like to format my date to input it in file name.

I try that : 

Put my date in Global Text Variable : GV__DATE
and then try to format it like that, in another indexes that give my filename : GV_CDPF + "_" + GV_NATURE__DOC +  "_" + Format(GV_DATE__DOC,"dd/MM/yyyy")

The result : 12345_Invoice_dd/mm/yyy

I don't know where i'am wrong..

Thanks !!

Veröffentlicht Thu, 17 Jun 2021 15:22:39 GMT von Gilles TATON
Hello all,

So, for the moment i have split my actual index into 3 text variable like that :

Put the date indexe in text variable, and then split it like that :

Year variable : Split(GV_DATE__DOC, "/")(2)
Month variable : Split(GV_DATE__DOC, "/")(0)
Day variable : Split(GV_DATE__DOC, "/")(1)

Then compose your date like you want :




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