Veröffentlicht Thu, 25 Nov 2021 20:09:15 GMT von Damian Scheiding
I have table in my workflow like this
I assign step to 3 people and I'm wondering how will table fields react/behave
The user marek put text to column comments on row 2 , but also simon put comment to row 2 and 3
The order of compliting task is admin, marek, simon
Is the infomartion in row will be overwritten (comment by marek) ?
subject amount user comments
Bread 10,13 admin  
Butter 2,52 marek  
Cheese 3,41 simon  
Pallarel step 1

subject amount user comments
Bread 10,13 admin abc
Butter 2,52 marek  
Cheese 3,41 simon  
Pallarel step 2
subject amount user comments
Bread 10,13 admin  
Butter 2,52 marek cde
Cheese 3,41 simon  
Pallarel step 3
subject amount user comments
Bread 10,13 admin  
Butter 2,52 marek overwrite
Cheese 3,41 simon efg
Veröffentlicht Thu, 25 Nov 2021 22:21:49 GMT von Marcin Kratiuk
Lets assume that you have "Comments List" keyword field defined in the file cabinet.

Create the assignment in the "Assign data" tab (part of the decision definition).
This assign will add comment value provided by the user (form field) to the "Comments List" keyword field.
The important is that you do not select checkbox in the Replace parameter
Veröffentlicht Fri, 26 Nov 2021 08:10:51 GMT von Damian Scheiding

Hello Marcin Kratiuk Thank you for answer

Its interesting idea, which I will use for sure in the future. You describe mechanism of keyword fields.
In fact its good option for comments, but not so much for example spliiting costs - user is writing new amount . then keyword fileds are not good for summing up whole amount of invoice for example.
But what about default mechanism of table data within pallarel steps.
I know, that in some other systems you can define how to join data from all pallarel steps.
Here in DW it's not possible
So I would like to know how its working.
1. If after sending a step (any user) - the data visible and inserted by him in Dialog -> Table (like above) will be the new data for Table in index fields ?
2. What if two users opened step in the same time, then one commented or inserted new "amount", clicked save. Then the other user in another row done the same thing (new amount and comment) and clicked save
==> as the outcome - what will be the index data of Table after this ?

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