Veröffentlicht Wed, 08 Aug 2018 12:05:47 GMT von Nicolas Grondona Tecnico

Hi there , how are you? . 
I am tring to use the local Data connection on DW 7.0 Cloud Version i wanted to make an autoindex with a local database but when i create the connection i dont know how to make the connection appeare on the autoindex dialog .
I configure the Connection (Ticket1.jpg)
And it don't appears in the workflow (Ticket2.jpg)

Neither in autoindex configuration (Ticket3.jpg)

In docuware administration i can t create the connection .
I dont know how to use the external DB , thanks for helping .

Veröffentlicht Wed, 08 Aug 2018 12:59:10 GMT von Maria Holden Sr. Director Software Support Americas & APAC

Hello Mr. Grondona,

Please see our KBA-35754 titeld How do I setup & use the DocuWare Local Data Connector?

Maria Holden
Manager Support –  Americas

Veröffentlicht Wed, 08 Aug 2018 15:55:18 GMT von Nicolas Grondona Tecnico

Thanks a lot Maria , it was for the service . 


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