How does it work?
The platform downloads a file just once and counts how many users are using it. When they reach zero the file is marked for deletion. Through a predefined time, the platform checks the files marked for deletion and deletes them.
User-defined settings
There is a possibility some of the settings to be modified through web.config (c:\program files (x86)\docuware\web\platform) Firstly, the section has to be defined in configuration/configSections:
1<section name="ReferenceCounterConfig" type="DocuWare.Platform.Implementation.ReferenceCounting.ReferenceCounterConfiguration, DocuWare.PlatformImplementation" />
Then the section has to be added and it has the format:
1<ReferenceCounterConfig intervalToStayAlive="00:10:00" intervalForDeleting="00:05:30" triesToDelete="5" triesToLock="3" intervalBetweenTwoTriesToLock="300">
There are 5 properties that could be modified:
intervalToStayAlive | Timespan | 00:10:00 | 00:00:30 | Time interval defines how long the file is to stay in the Temp folder and not be deleted. |
intervalForDeleting | Timespan | 00:05:30 | 00:00:30 | Time interval which defines how often the platform will check for files that are not used anymore and they stayed alive more than the time specified by the intervalToStayAlive property |
triesToDelete | Int | 3 | 2 | Defines how many times the platform tries to delete a released file. If the file is locked by another process/user and after the last try the file is not deleted – then the file will stay in a temp folder. |
triesToLock | Int | 3 | 1 | Defines how many additional attempts the platform to try to lock a file. |
intervalBetweenTwoTriesToLock | Int | 200 | 50 | Time interval defines how often the platform tries to lock a file. The interval is in milliseconds. |