Posted Tue, 14 Mar 2023 09:01:20 GMT by Pierre Dhuicq
Hello,<br> <br> Is there a way to call a form from rest API ?<br> My use case is the following : I want to create a formatted document and forms can create such a document by placing fields to specific place on a &quot;wallpaper&quot;. But forms uses imputs from user and I already have the needed informations. Even a &quot;blank&quot; form could be enough for me because workflow can update the fields.<br> <br> Thanks a lot for your help.
Posted Wed, 15 Mar 2023 13:39:58 GMT by Gerardo Lisanti Team Leader Product Management
Hi Pierre,<br> <br> unfortunately forms has no API at the moment.<br> Also storing a &quot;dummy&quot; pdf on your own, will not meet the requirements for editing the pdf field with workflow.<br> <br> I recommend to add this idea to our customer feedback forum, so others can vote and leave feedback:<br> <a href="" target=_blank></a><br> <br> Viele Grüße / With best regards,<br> &#160;--<br> &#160;Gerardo Lisanti<br> Product Manager&#160;&#160;|&#160;&#160;DocuWare GmbH

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