Posted Fri, 19 Oct 2018 18:03:21 GMT by Nathan French ComDoc Systems Analyst


I used to be able to rely on Firefox to behave properly with Desktop Apps, but now after a recent update I find the site is no longer able to interface with the Desktop Apps.  Scan, copy/paste from document, Edit & Send, and also Connect to Desktop apps no longer work.  The current version is 62.0.3, and this applies to both 32- and 64-bit versions. 

I suspect there is a new security default in Firefox which is preventing the site from connecting to desktop apps.  Does anyone know how to re-enable Desktop Apps functionality in this newest version of Firefox? 

Thanks much for any insight,



PS: Oddly, the minimum image size for attachments is 220x220px - I had to make it extra tall to accomodate.

Posted Fri, 19 Oct 2018 18:08:58 GMT by Phil Robson DocuWare Corporation Senior Director Professional Services, Americas

Nothing wrong with Firefox. I am using 62.0.3 64 bit. Your problem is that you need the certificate imported to Firefox, because it doesn't trust the site.
Follow this FAQ, Item #4.


Phil Robson
Senior Director Support Americas

Posted Tue, 23 Oct 2018 01:57:00 GMT by Nathan French ComDoc Systems Analyst

Thank you.

That looks a lot like the FAQ I found, but this one is firefox specific and talks about the certificate at https://localhost:8091 -- I certainly did not get that from what I was looking at before.

That solved it.  Thanks much!

Also - thanks for fixing the error link "Have it installed already and need more help?"  It now goes straight to that FAQ; before it pointed to a missing article ID and redirected to the FAQ search page. 

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