Posted Mon, 23 Jul 2018 13:21:20 GMT by Gilles Sauvagnat Altexence


Looks like major chenges have been done with the DW 7.0 web client viewer supported formats

Why and is there a way to plug an external viewer to view newly unsupported format in the DW 7 web client ?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.


Altexence CEO

Posted Thu, 26 Jul 2018 08:37:34 GMT by Gerardo Lisanti Team Leader Product Management

Dear Gilles,
thanks for the advice. Indeed we updated the list for version 7. However, the list was not complete. We corrected it now.
Yes, you can open any file type via the Edit functionality in Web Client with an external application.

Viele Grüße / With best regards,

Gerardo Lisanti

Manager Product

Posted Thu, 26 Jul 2018 12:13:24 GMT by Gilles Sauvagnat Altexence

Dear Gerardo,

Thanks for the update, it is much better :-) 

Yes I know that it is possible to open a document using the edit function. My question was related to view (as a reader) a document with an external viewer without having to edit (which is for instance not possible with RO licence).

I know it was possible with the old DW windows client. Such functionnalty would be more than helpful when a cutomer wants to view (only read) a document such as complex Autocad or SOlidWorks or other technical tool.

Best regards


Posted Fri, 27 Jul 2018 04:55:56 GMT by Gerardo Lisanti Team Leader Product Management

Dear Gilles,

thank you for your feedback. We will evaluate it. I suggest that you also vote for this idea in our customer feedback forum:


Viele Grüße / With best regards,

Gerardo Lisanti

Manager Product

Posted Fri, 27 Jul 2018 11:16:50 GMT by Gilles Sauvagnat Altexence

Dear Gerardo,





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