Posted Fri, 23 Mar 2018 19:38:45 GMT by William McKay

Hello all, First time user of Workflow Designer.

I'm looking to accomplish a stated desire of an in-house department. 
We are implemenitng a workflor to handle a process that currently works largely on paper circulating around desks (I know, who does that?!)
I have a good diagram of the flow as is, and to copy that to DocuWare step for step is easy enough. The sticking point for me came when a request was made to make the file in the workflow open to multiple users to work on tasks simultaneously e.g. User 1 Approves a document, users 2, 3, and 4 all have tasks they can perform without waiting on each other. I would not want the doc to move forward before all tasks at that point are complete.

I've given the help doc a read on parallel tasks, but i'm still a bit confused so i'm searching for examples to spark my imagination.

So far i've gotten an idea to use a global variable, which increments as each user (2, 3, and 4) completes a task. The idea being I would put an exit validation to check for the calue of that variable (starting from 0) being equal to 3. The real issue is I lack any real practical knowledge of visual basic, but i'm reading up.

I'm open to any ideas if you have done something like this in the past.

Thank you!

Posted Tue, 27 Mar 2018 13:17:01 GMT by Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

William, if you just want to have everyone approve the invoice there is no need for an exit condition. The only time I use an exit condition is if you want to exit the workflow task early. So say you have 3 people approving an invoice but the first two approved the full amount of the invoice. No need for the 3rd to approve so it would exit. If you assign 3 users to the task it will wait until all 3 users approve until it moves on as standard without any exit condition. Hope this helps.

Posted Tue, 27 Mar 2018 13:53:32 GMT by William McKay

Thank you! So I can leave the exit condition out of the equation. What about a way to have all 3 users see a task at the same time, then pass it along after they complete their assignments?

Currently it looks like this, and the tasks go in sequence.

Posted Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:35:47 GMT by Casey Miller Director of Technical Services

That would be the parallel task option. So, the 3 tasks at the bottom of your workflow are parallel. Whomever is assigned to those tasks will get a task on their login and will move on once all 3 approve. Now, what you can do at the Purchase Review task is create an approver form field and use a substitution list as the form field  option. This will allow the user to check mark the users who they want the delivery info parallel task to go to. If it is a set group then don't worry about it. That is useful if it is different people every time.

Posted Wed, 28 Mar 2018 10:56:17 GMT by William McKay

At this time it would be by Role, we're trying to organize it with growth in mind so we don't have to do major revisions if we hire 3 people or if someone leaves.

Posted Fri, 19 Oct 2018 16:46:23 GMT by Nick Calato Senior Financial Analyst

Is there no way to have to concurent tasks at the same time? I also have a workflow in which one user does not need to wait for the other to finish their task. 

Posted Fri, 02 Nov 2018 11:28:32 GMT by Simon H. Hellmann Wedderhoff IT GmbH Systemadministrator

Hello Nick, 

no, in a single Workflow this is not possible. 

However, a workaround would be to start a second workflow from the first one so they run parallel - this way you can have several tasks for the same document which can be completed independently from each other. Keep in mind that global variables don't come over to the second workflow - you would need to use index fields for that.

Greetings from Germany, 
Simon H. Hellmann
DocuWare System Consultant

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